Разговорный клуб в Свиблово

Разговорный клуб Свиблово

Ближайший разговорный клуб 7 сентября в 19:00 Два раза в месяц наши Носители языка проводят бесплатный разговорный клуб SpeedChat. SpeedChat — это отличная возможность для наших студентов и их друзей прокачать свои навыки говорения на английском языке, улучшить произношение и умение понимать английскую речь на слух. Вы можете оставить заявку, что […]

Read Listen Learn

Hello! My name is Lynn Jacobsen and I am an English teacher in Moscow, Russia at the Russian Language Institute (RALI). One of my passions is finding relevant ways to make English real and useful through creative resources and media. Read Listen Learn Website review Reading is one of the four […]

Chocolate English

All the English language gurus say that watching films in English is a great way to improve your English, right? I agree with the “gurus” but not ALL films are a good use of your time and energy. In fact, there are some films that are much better than others. One […]

The Times in Plain English

Hello! My name is Lynn Jacobsen and I am an English teacher in Moscow, Russia at the Russian Language Institute (RALI). One of my passions is finding relevant ways to make English real and useful through creative resources and media. Website review You know the routine….free newspaper!…free! ….free! And… 3 clicks […]